Saturday, January 20, 2018

Kim Paff has been my BFF for YEARS.  I was fortunate at one time to live right down the street from her.  Well, close anyway!  We used to go antiquing together, and met up with other members of jewelry clubs.  I can't tell you how much I miss being able to do that, we had a ton of fun.

One time she and I drove down to Sarasota to go to a jewelry store that had nothing but vintage costume and a LOT of Bakelite.  The lady behind the counter was wearing a huge Bakelite banana pin which I immediately fell in love with, because I had been collecting fruit and vegetable jewelry for years.  Then in the case I saw a big Bakelite carrot pin!  A carrot!  Glorious!  I asked the price and felt my chin hit the floor, she really did love her Bakelite!  I dreamed of that carrot pin . . . . . . .

A few years later, I moved to South Carolina and Kim came to visit me.  She handed me a black box and said, "I had this made for you."  Inside was a stunning necklace with dangling Bakelite carrots!  I couldn't believe it!  So fabulous, adorable and fun!  I get a lot of double takes when I wear it, people think it is some kind of bead till they look close and see carrots!

I meant to share it when the group was sharing Bakelite but I got caught up in holiday activities and missed it.  I wanted to share the story behind it so I posted here to my blogspot instead of on the group page.  I am not sure if there is a limit to posting and thought it might be better here, since it is not only long but also late.

I hope you enjoy viewing this special piece, a gift from a most special friend.

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