Monday, January 29, 2018

Hey Sis~

     I got a bunch of jewelry listed for your jewelry party Saturday night.  Sorry you had to reschedule it.  Please give the blogspot address and my email address to everybody at the party.  I will be shipping any jewelry they purchase in a flat rate Priority Mail box, for $7.15 added postage to the price of the jewelry.  However, if they purchase multiple pieces, I can ship up to 4 or 5 pieces in one box, depending on the size of the jewelry, and there will only be one shipping price.  If the jewelry needs two shipping boxes, then it will be $7.15 times 2, etc.  All of the jewelry will be shipped insured, and I will be responsible for the insurance charges.

Please tell them to scroll down and view the Older Posts, since I listed multiple pieces over an extended period.  I don't want them to miss anything!

In addition, because all of this jewelry is from my personal collection, I will include a handwritten, signed note describing the jewelry and stating it is from my personal collection.  As each piece is sold, text me and I will remove it from the blog.  Anything not sold will be offered starting February 2nd, after your party, to first come, first served, buyers.

I sent you a box of signed, and unsigned books, from my Inside the Jewelry Box series.  If you sell out, I can ship them directly to your friends.  The price will be $75 for the set of 3, and I will pay for Media Mail shipping.  Individual volumes will be $25 each plus $5 shipping.  I do not have any of the Juliana books for sale, but you can show them your copy.  Call me or text me if you need anything else, and I hope the party is a big success!  Love!

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